Title: Undone Author: Rachel Caine Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Roc Publication Date: February 2009 Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages Stand Alone or Series: Book 1 in the new Outcast Season series, but set in the same universe and overlapping…
Smugglers Stash
Since we didn’t really do one of these on Sunday (Superbowl, lo siento!), and since it’s release day, we’re having a mini-stash. Here’s a few upcoming books for February that we are excited for, as well as some giveaway…
Another Sunday, another stash! (No football though) News, News, News We have just learned that Joel Sutherland and Mike Stone have BOTH made the preliminary ballot for the Bram Stoker Award!!!!!! Joel’s debut novel Frozen Blood (our review HERE;…
Ahoy mateys! Another Sunday, which means our Manga Appreciation Week has finally come to a close…but fear not! Sunday also means another Stash! (and football) First things first–we be handing out the booty to one lucky buccaneer! The winner…
Welcome to our first post-Smugglivus stash and the first at our new abode! Speaking of the new casa: We have installed a re-direct service from the old blogspot address, so all the old links to individual posts in blogger…
This week: We kick-off the week with a three-day Kim Harrison Extravaganza! On Monday, Thea reviews book 6 in The Hollows series, The Outlaw Demon Wails, in honor of the mass market paperback release of the book. On Tuesday…
Happy Sunday! Another weekend comes to a close, and it’s time for another stash. New Trailers: (Yes, I know Ana posted it yesterday, but it’s so awesome) All three trailers together (that last one has some additional footage not…
Another weekend comes to a close, but worry not! We have another busy week ahead. First, some housekeeping… Thanks to Julia Quinn for stopping by for the lovely chat! And we have our winners–drumroll please– Barbara and Kara You…
As we leave the hectic, crazy Halloween Week behind (βIt was the best of timesβ [for Thea], βIt was the worst of timesβ [for Ana, the Ninny] ) instead of taking a break, we jump straight into another hectic…
Happy Sunday, everyone! After a long and hectic weekend (really, aren’t weekends supposed to be relaxing???), it’s time to gear up for another week. Around Blogland… We received the following heads up from Rebecca–Romance Readers in Australia, unite: ATTENTION…