Title: Warcross Author: Marie Lu Genre: Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Dystopia, Young Adult Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers Publication date: September 2017 Hardcover: 416 pages For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just…
What would happen if the most important, fundamental element for human survival was toxic? In H2O by Virginia Bergin we learn the answer: nothing good. Title: H2O Written by Virginia Bergin Genre: Apocalypse, Dystopia, Young Adult, Science Fiction Publisher:…
A profound, feminist dystopian novel about friendship, sisterhood and courage, Maresi by Maria Turtschaninoff is exquisite. Title: Maresi Written by Maria Turtschaninoff Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Dystopia, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Pushkin Press (UK) Publication Date: January 2016 Hardcover: 256…
A surprising parable about technology, nature, and free will, The Wild Robot by Peter Brown is beautiful, at turns heartbreaking, and deeply profound. Title: The Wild Robot Written by Peter Brown Genre: Middle Grade, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction Publisher:…
Book Giveway: BROKEN by Susan Jane Bigelow
In which we celebrate the publication day of Broken by Susan Jane Bigelow, and offer up one sweet giveaway We are beyond thrilled to finally announce the publication day of Broken (The Extrahuman Union Series, #1) by Susan Jane…
The Extrahuman Union: A Primer (Compliance is Mandatory)
An introduction to The Extrahuman Union series by Susan Jane Bigelow. Broken is the first book in the Extrahuman Union series of four interconnected novels, featuring a group of superheroes struggling to survive in a dystopian future under the…
Broken (The Extrahuman Union #1): Susan Jane Bigelow on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their Inspirations and Influences. In this feature, we invite writers to talk about their new books, older titles, and their…
It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! Today Thea FINALLY reviews Updraft by Fran Wilde (just in time for awards season): Given all of the Nebula buzz for this title, Thea decided…
Darrow’s final adventure comes ot a triuphant close in Morning Star by Pierce Brown. Title: Morning Star Written by Pierce Brown Genre: Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction Publisher: Del Rey Publication Date: February 2016 Hardcover: 518 pages Darrow would have…
Cover Reveal: BROKEN by Susan Jane Bigelow
In which we reveal the cover and open up preorders for Broken by Susan Jane Bigelow We are beyond delighted to finally unveil the cover of Broken (The Extrahuman Union Series, #1) by Susan Jane Bigelow–the very first novel…