Title: The Incredible Crime Author: Lois Austen-Leigh Genre: Crime Publisher: British Library Crime Classics Publication date: This edition: May 2017. Originally published 1931 Hardcover: 288 pages Prince’s College, Cambridge, is a peaceful and scholarly community, enlivened by Prudence Pinsent,…
6 Rated Books
It’s Saturday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea talks about a YA sci-fi novel about teenagers shot into space, but with an interesting twist… Waste of Space by Gina Damico follows a television production company, a…
Joint Review: The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
Title: The Collapsing Empire Author: John Scalzi Genre: Science Fiction Publisher: Tor Publication Date: March 2017 Ebook: 336 Pages The first novel of a new space-opera sequence set in an all-new universe by the Hugo Award-winning, New York Times-bestselling…
Title: Long May She Reign Author: Rhiannon Thomas Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: HarperTeen Publication Date: February 2017 Hardcover: 422 Pages The Girl of Fire and Thorns meets The Queen of the Tearling in this thrilling fantasy standalone about…
It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Thea takes a turn this week, and reads the newest novella from John Scalzi, The Dispatcher. Originally published as an audiobook, this noir-ish novella takes an odd premise to the…
Old School Wednesdays Harry Potter Re-Read: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Old School Wednesdays presents an epic reread of The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. THIS MONTH ON THE RE-READ: we take a look at book 4. Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up…
Hi! It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus. Today, Ana continues with her Time Travel Project with a review of Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs. It’s a fun thriller with … a few problems. Go here for the…
First in a new series starring DC Super Heroes in a Super Hero high school, Wonder Woman at Super Hero High is super delightful. Title: Wonder Woman at Super Hero High Written by Lisa Yee Genre: Middle Grade, Superheroes,…
Itβs Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! Today Thea FINALLY reviews Updraft by Fran Wilde (just in time for awards season): Given all of the Nebula buzz for this title, Thea decided…
Itβs Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! Today Thea reviews new novella from Tor.com, Emily Foster’s The Drowning Eyes. From its beautiful cover to its poetic title, The Downing Eyes is Thea’s…