Title: Going too Far Author: Jennifer Echols Genre: YA – Romance Publisher: MTV Publishing Date: March 17, 2009 Paperback: 256 pages Stand Alone or series: Stand Alone Summary: All Meg has ever wanted is to get away. Away from…
YA Appreciation Month
Title: Dull Boy Author: Sarah Cross Genre: Speculative Fiction, Superheroes, Young Adult Publisher: Dutton Juvenile Publication Date: May 2009 Hardcover:308 pages Why did I read this book: I’d had my eye on Dull Boy since last year, and kept…
Young Adult Appreciation Month – Guest post: a Chat with The Story Siren
For our Young Adult Appreciation Month, we invited a few bloggers to guest post about Young Adult books. This week’s guest is Kristi, from The Story Siren blog, whom we chatted with about her YA reading. The Story Siren…
Young Adult Appreciation Month: Stash, News and Week 4 Schedule
Hello, welcome and good Sunday to all! Week 3 of our Young Adult Appreciation Month is down – 2 more to go! This week on The Book Smugglers Monday – Kristi, the Story Siren, is interviewed by us on…
Young Adult Appreciation Month: A Day In The Life of a Teen Librarian
Since July 19, we have been running our Month-long (+One Extra Week) Young Adult Appreciation event in which we exclusively review YA novels and talk about the genre. We are lucky enough to have been able to invite some…
Young Adult Appreciation Month: (Post-)Apocalypse/Dystopia Day
The apocalypse is nigh, and the world will never be the same. Today, we bring you three books about the end of the world as we know it…and what happens in the aftermath. ********** (I feel like channeling Rod…
WHY HAVEN’T I READ THIS BOOK?!: Monster by Christopher Pike
Today, we bring you two reviews for pretty well-known books that for some reason we hadn’t picked up yet. Before the onslaughts of “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN’T READ THAT?!” begin, let us just offer our profuse apologies. We…
WHY HAVEN’T I READ THESE BOOKS?!: The Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
Today, we bring you two reviews for pretty well-known books that for some reason we hadn’t picked up yet. Before the onslaughts of “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN’T READ THAT?!” begin, let us just offer our profuse apologies. We…
Title: Intertwined Author: Gena Showalter Genre: YA (Fantasy) Publisher: Harlequin Teen Publishing Date: September 1, 2009 Hardcover: 448 pages Stand Alone or series: book 1 in a planned series Summary: Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human…
Title: Zombie Blondes Author: Brian James Genre: Horror, Young Adult, Zombies Publisher: Feiwel and Friends Publication Date: June 2008 Paperback: 240 pages Stand alone or series: From what I can tell, this appears to be a stand alone novel…