Title: A Countess Below Stairs (UK Title: The Secret Countess) Author: Eva Ibbotson Genre: Historical, Romance, Young Adult Publisher: Speak (US) / Young Picador (UK) Publication Date: 1981 Paperback: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. Why…
YA Appreciation Month
Young Adult Appreciation Month: Stash, News and Bonus Week Schedule
Greetings earthlings! Before you get the wrong idea and start throwing us into “prawn” slums, we have some breaking news before we give you the skinny on our final week of Young Adult Appreciation Month: District 9 totally, completely…
Since July 19th, we have been celebrating all things Young Adult with guest posts, authors interviews, reviews and giveaways. Now it is time to open the floor to you, dear reader so that you can be part of the…
KILLER UNICORNS ATTACK! Diana Peterfreund on Inspirations & Influences (and Giveaway)
Earlier this year, after Thea read (and loved) Secret Society Girl, Diana Peterfreund’s debut novel, we Book Smugglers started to follow her blog and look for more titles and news from this talented author. When we first heard about…
KILLER UNICORNS ATTACK! Joint Review: Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
Title: Rampant Author: Diana Peterfreund Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Harper Teen Publication Date: August 2009 Hardcover: 416 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 of a planned series, though can be read on its own. Why did…
Soul Screamers Special: Rachel Vincent on Inspiration and a giveaway
Rachel Vincent is a popular UF novelist, author of the Shifter series. Her first book in her new Young Adult Soul Screamer series has just hit the shelves and Ana reviewed it here. We invited the author to be…
Soul Screamers Special – Book Review: My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
Title: My Soul to Take Author: Rachel Vincent Genre: YA – Fantasy/Romance Publisher: Harlequin Teen Publishing date: August 1, 2009 Paperback: 384 pages Stand Alone or series: It is the first full length novel in the Soul Screamers series.…
Title: The Poison Garden Author: Sarah Singleton Genre: YA – Mystery/Fantasy/Historical Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Date: 5 May 2009 Paperback: 288 Pages Stand Alone or series: Stand Alone Summary: It is the 1850’s, and a young boy,…
Series Review & Giveaway: The Devouring & Soulstice by Simon Holt
I happen to love horror. I love the thrill of mortal fear, the rush of terror that washes over you and drowns your logical mind, the giddy and jittery sense of having experienced something truly terrifying. Ever since I…
Book Review: Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan
Title: Tender Morsels Author: Margo Lanagan Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Knopf Young Adult (US) / David Fickling Books (UK) Publication Date: October 1998 (US) / July 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 448 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel…