Title: Blackout Author: Mira Grant Genre: Horror, Thriller, Speculative Fiction, Zombies Publisher: Orbit Publication Date: May 2012 Paperback: 560 pages Rise up while you can. -Georgia Mason The year was 2014. The year we cured cancer. The year we…
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
Title: Plague Town Author: Dana Fredsti Genre: Urban Fantasy, Zombie Apocalypse Publisher: Titan Books Publication Date: April 2012 Paperback: 368 Pages In the small university town of Redwood Grove, people are succumbing to a lethal strain of flu. They…
Title: Working Stiff Author: Rachel Caine Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Roc Publication date: August 2011 Paperback: 306 pages Bryn Davis was killed on the job after discovering her bosses were selling a drug designed to resurrect the dead. Now,…
Title: Eat Slay Love Author: Jesse Petersen Genre: Horror, Comedy, Speculative Fiction, Zombies Publisher: Orbit Publication date: June 2011 Paperback: 261 pages Sarah and David have survived the zombie apocalypse. They stood side by side and fought the undead,…
Hi everyone, and happy Sunday! We hope everyone is staying cool in this crazy stupid heat! Hunger Games Pretties: Yeah, we know you’ve probably seen all the awesome new shiny poster (HERE), but have you taken the time to…
Title: The Cellar Author: A.J. Whitten Genre: Young Adult, Zombies, Romance, Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Graphia (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Publication Date: May 2011 Paperback: 276 Pages Meredith Willis is suspicious of Adrien, the new guy next door. When she…
Title: Flip This Zombie Author: Jesse Petersen Genre: Post-Apocalypse/Dystopia, Horror, Comedy, Zombies, Romance, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Orbit Publication Date: January 2011 Paperback: 250 Pages The Zombie Apocalypse has been good to Sarah and David. Their marriage is better than…
Title: Deadline Author: Mira Grant Genre: Post-Apocalypse/Dystopia, Horror, Thriller, Zombies, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Orbit Publication Date: June 2011 Paperback: 581 Pages Shaun Mason is a man without a mission. Not even running the news organization he built with his…
Title: Married With Zombies Author: Jesse Petersen Genre: Apocalypse, Horror, Comedy, Zombies, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Orbit Publication Date: September 2010 Paperback: 244 Pages A heartwarming tale of terror in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Meet Sarah and David.…