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Speculative Fiction

6 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: The Awesome by Eva Darrows

He knew me because he said I was awesome. And I was awesome. Maggie Cunningham, The Awesome. Fuck yeah. Title: The Awesome Written by Eva Darrows Genre: Contemporary/Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Ravenstone Publication Date: May 2015…

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8 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Touch by Claire North

Thought-provoking. Existential. Poignant. These are all words that describe Claire North’s luminescent Touch. Title: Touch Written by Claire North Genre: Speculative Fiction Publisher: Redhook/Orbit Publication Date: March 2015 Hardcover: 432 pages Kepler had never meant to die this way…

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Over at Kirkus: Touch by Claire North (A List)

It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! Today it is Thea’s turn to take over the column – fresh from reading Touch by Claire North (review to come next week here on…

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