Title: Silent in the Grave Author: Deanna Raybourn Genre: Mystery, Historical Stand alone or series: Book 1 of a (soon to be) three book series. Why did I read this book: I had picked up Silent in the Grave…
Title: To Seduce a Sinner Author: Elizabeth Hoyt Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: It is book 2 in a series called The Legend of The Four Soldiers but it can be read as a stand alone. Summary: THE…
For this monthβs dare we invited Karen Mahoney, writer of YA Urban Fantasy (her first story will be published in a YA anthology, The Eternal Kiss in Autumn 2009) . We love Karenβs livejournal (how could we not? A…
Saddened with their latest Powerpuff offering and hopeful that Jo Goodman’s new book would get them both out of their reading slump, Katiebabs (aka Blossom ) and Ana (aka Bubbles) decided to join forces again and review The Price…
Title: Heir to Sevenwaters Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or series: Book 4 in the Sevenwaters series, but can be read as a stand alone novel. Why did I read this book: I nearly died of a…
Title: The Missing Author: Shiloh Walker Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone / Series: It can be read as a stand alone but I have the gutt feeling this is only the beginning. Summary: Her psychic gift drove away the…
Title: Flat-Out Sexy Author: Erin McCarthy Genre: Contemporary Romance Stand Alone/ Series: It can be read as a stand-alone but I am thinking this is going to the first in a series given the sheer amount of single-hot-funny secondary…
Title: Demon Bound Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone/ Series: 4th full-length novel in the Guardians series. The books are written such that one could theoretically read them as stand alone novels, but I would highly recommend…
Title: Phenomenal Girl 5 Author: A. J. Menden Genre: Part of the Shomi line by Dorchester Publishing – it is basically, paranormal romance. Stand Alone/ Series: Book 1 of EHJ (Elite Hands of Justice) series. Summary:Lainey Livingston has just…
Title: Immortal Warrior Author: Lisa Hendrix Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Historical (England circa 11th century) Stand Alone/ Series: Book 1 in a series about cursed Immortal Vikings. Summary: He came to England in search of treasure. Two hundred years later,…