Title: Demon Moon Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand alone or series: Technically book 4 in the Guardians series, although it is the second full-length novel. It can be read as a stand alone novel (or in my…
Title: Delicious Author: Sherry Thomas Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: Stand Alone Summary: Famous in Paris, infamous in London, Verity Durant is as well-known for her mouthwatering cuisine as for her scandalous love life. But thatβs the least…
Title: Night Falls Darkly Author: Kim Lenox Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Historical Stand Alone/ Series: Book 1 of Shadow Guards series. Summary: ARCHER, Lord Black, returns to England at the behest of Queen Victoria to immerse himself in the dark,…
Title: Goddess of the Sea Author: P.C. Cast Genre: Romantic Fantasy Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Goddess Summoning series Summary: (from amazon.com)After her plane crashes into the sea, an Air Force Sergeant finds herself occupying the…
Title: The Chosen Sin Author: Anya Bast Genre: Paranormal Romance/Erotica (or is it Erotic Paranormal Romance?) Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did I read this book: This was a huge leap out of my comfort zone–as…
Title: Clockwork Heart Author: Dru Pagliassotti Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk Stand Alone or Series: Stand alone novel; although according to Ms. Pagliassotti’s website there is a forthcoming sequel! Why did I read this book: Tia at Fantasy Debut had a…
Another Powerpuff Girls Review! Both Katie (Blossum) and Ana (Bubbles) got review copies so what better way to go about it than to have another one of our joint efforts? By now, you must know the drill, Bubbles writes…
Title: It Happened One Night Authors: Mary Balogh, Stephanie Laurens, Jacquie DβAlessandro and Candice Hern Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: All fours stories are stand alone Summary: It Happened One Night . . . and nothing was ever…
Lisa Kleypas Week – Joint Review: A Wallflower Christmas
Title: A Wallflower Christmas Author: Lisa Kleypas Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: In the world of the Wallflower’s series but can be read as a stand alone Summary: Wealthy entrepreneur Rafe Bowman has come to London to marry…
Title: Seduce me at Sunrise Author: Lisa Kleypas Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: The second in The Hathaways series Summary: Win has been an invalid ever since she suffered a near-fatal case of scarlet fever. Merripen is a…