Title: Blue-Eyed Devil Author: Lisa Kleypas Genre: Romance (contemporary), Fiction Stand alone or series: Second book in the Travis’ series by Kleypas Summary: “Blue-Eyed Devil” is the story of the charming, volatile and ambitious Hardy Cates, who is determined…
Another month, another dare! Every month we dare a guest (usually another blogger) to read a book that is outside their comfort zone, chosen by us. When we asked CJ from the amazing The Thrillionth Page blog, which genres…
Title: Dreaming of You Author: Lisa Kleypas Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone or Series: Can be read as a stand alone, although is a sequel of Then Came You, following different main characters Why did I read this book:…
Bubbles and Blossum strike again! When the Amazing Katie introduced me to The Tairen Soul series earlier this year , I don’t think she predicted how much I would fall in love with this fantastic series. Lord of the…
Title: Mr Cavendish, I Presume Author: Julia Quinn Genre: Historical romance Stand Alone/series: Book 2 of a two books series called The Two Dukes of Wyndham Summary: Amelia Willoughby has been engaged to the Duke of Wyndham for as…
Title: The Key Author: Pauline Baird Jones Genre: Science Fiction Romance Stand Alone or Series: Stand alone novel, although with potential for a sequel. Why did we read this book: Pauline dropped us an email and graciously provided review…
As of yesterday, Book Blogger Appreciation Week has officially started, and in celebration of this most incredible tour de force put together by Amy, we decided to contribute to the festivities with a give away of our own! We…
Current location: Cambridge, UK The Windflower and King’s College The Windflower is one of those mythical romance novels that many speak of, that more often than not appears in top 100 listings and it has been granted DIK (Desert…
As the grand finale of our mini-week special on Dark Fairy Tales, we contacted Melissa Marr for a brief chat–and she was kind enough to take some time out of her hectic schedule (it was right after Wicked Lovely…
Hello, my name is Ana and I am a nalinisinghholic. My addiction started a bit late and only after I read Book 2, Visions of Heat. But from that moment on I was intrigued by the world-building, by the…