Title: Renegade Magic (US) / A Tangle of Magicks (UK) Author: Stephanie Burgis Genre: Historical, Fantasy/Speculative Fiction, Middle Grade Publisher: Atheneum (US) / Templar (UK) Publication Date: April 2012 (US) / August 2011 (UK) Hardcover: 336 Pages (US) Is…
Joint Review: The Dark Unwinding by Sharon Cameron
Title: The Dark Unwinding Author: Sharon Cameron Genre: Historical, Gothic Mystery/Horror, Young Adult Publisher: Scholastic Publication date: September 2012 Hardcover: 318 pages A spine-tingling tale of steampunk and spies, intrigue and heart-racing romance! When Katharine Tulman’s inheritance is called…
Title: The Broken Lands Author: Kate Milford, illustrated by Andrea Offermann Genre: Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, PoC Publisher: Clarion Books Publication date: September 4 2012 Hardcover: 464 pages A crossroads can be a place of great power. So begins…
Title: Kat, Incorrigible (US) / A Most Improper Magick (UK) Author: Stephanie Burgis Genre: Historical, Fantasy/Speculative Fiction, Middle Grade Publisher: Atheneum (US) / Templar (UK) Publication Date: April 2011 (US) / August 2010 (UK) Hardcover: 304 Pages (US) Twelve-year-old…
Title: Gods and Warriors Author: Michelle Paver Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade/Young Adult, Historical Publisher: Puffin / Dial Publication date: August 28 / September 4 2012 Hardcover: 283 pages An action-packed new series set in the mysterious, dangerous Bronze Age.…
Title: Between Shades of Gray Author: Ruta Sepetys Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Philomel Books Publication Date: March 2011 (HC) Hardcover: 344 Pages Lina is just like any other fifteen-year-old Lithuanian girl in 1941. She paints, she draws,…
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
Title: The FitzOsbornes in Exile Author: Michelle Cooper Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, WWII Publisher: Random House Australia (Aus) / Knopf Books for Young Readers (US) Publication Date: August 2010 (Aus) / April 2011 (US) Hardcover: 464 Pages (US)…
Book Review Multi-Feature: Twelve Minutes to Midnight, The Wednesdays, Godless and The Interrogation of Gabriel James
You know when you read a good, entertaining book but you don’t really have a lot to say about it? This is the case with these four books. Because I don’t have loads to say about them I thought…
Title: A Brief History of Montmaray Author: Michelle Cooper Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, WWII Publisher: Random House Australia (Aus) / Random House Children’s Books (US) Publication Date: June 2008 (Aus) / March 2011 (US) Paperback: 320 Pages (US)…