Title: Jazz in Love Author: Neesha Meminger Genre: Contemporary YA Publisher: Ignite Books (self-published) Publication date: January 10, 2011 Paperback: 260 pages Jasbir, a.k.a. Jazz, has always been a stellar student and an obedient, albeit wise-cracking, daughter. Everything has…
What She Said: The Waste Lands and Devil’s Kiss
Today we bring you the latest installment in our feature, “What She Said…” in which we both review books that the other has already read and reviewed. The idea arose because of the dilemma that if one of us…
Title: Cosmic Author: Frank Cottrell Boyce Genre: Contemporary (with a bit of Sci Fi since it’s sort of set in SPACE) / Children’s Publisher: Macmillan Publication date: July 2008 (First edition) Paperback: 256 pages Liam has always felt a…
Title: The Lost Gate Author: Orson Scott Card Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor Publication Date: January 2011 Hardcover: 384 Pages Danny North knew from early childhood that his family was different, and that he was different from them. While his…
Smugglivus 2010 Feats of Strength: Thea reads An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In the Feats of Strength, we each dare each other to read a book that we know is so far beyond the other’s comfort zone as…
Title: Midsummer Night Author: Freda Warrington Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary Publisher: Tor Publication Date: November 2010 Hardcover: 416 pages A sensuous, suspenseful modern fantasy of love, betrayal, and redemption Decades ago, in a place where the veil between our world…
Smugglivus 2010 Book Review: Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John
Title: Five Flavors of Dumb Author: Antony John Genre: Contemporary YA Publisher: Dial Publication date: November 2010 Hardcover: 352 pages The Challenge: Piper has one month to get the rock band Dumb a paying gig. The Deal: If she…
Smugglivus 2010 Guest Author (& Giveaway): Freda Warrington
Welcome to Smugglivus 2010: Day 12 Throughout this month, we will have daily guests – authors, bloggers and publishers alike – looking back at their favorite reads of 2010, and looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2011.…
Title: Please Ignore Vera Dietz Author: A. S. King Genre: Contemporary YA Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers Publication Date: October 2010 Hardcover: 336 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone Vera’s spent her whole life secretly in love…
Title: Bloodthirsty Author: Flynn Meaney Genre: Contemporary YA Publisher: Poppy Publication date: October 5 2010 Paperback: 240 pages Stand alone or series: it can be read as a standalone but I think there will be a sequel. Some vampires…