Title: The Cassini Code Author: Dom Testa Genre: Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Tor Teen Publication Date: November 2010 Paperback: 272 Pages When the tail of the comet Bhaktul flicks through the Earth’s atmosphere, deadly particles are left in…
Young Adult
Old School Wednesdays: The Green Glass Sea & The Pearl of the Soul of the World
Welcome, everyone, to the start of a brand new Smugglerific feature! Today we bring you the first in an ongoing weekly special: Old School Wednesdays! We came up with the idea towards the end of last year, when both…
Joint Review: What We Saw at Night by Jacquelyn Mitchard
Title: What We Saw at Night Author: Jacquelyn Mitchard Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult Publisher: Soho Teen Publication date: January 2013 Hardcover: 239 pages Allie Kim suffers from Xeroderma Pigmentosum: a fatal allergy to sunlight that confines her and…
What We Saw at Night Blog Tour (& Giveaway): Jacquelyn Mitchard on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The best part about I&I posts? Writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
It’s Friday so this means we are over at Kirkus! This week, Ana takes a look at some short fictions from 2012 – “The Kairos Mechanism” by Kate Milford; “Scorched Supper on New Niger” by Suzy McKee Charnas; and…
Title: The Cadet of Tildor Author: Alex Lidell Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Dial Publication date: January 10th 2013 Hardcover: 400 pages Tamora Pierce meets George R. R. Martin in this smart, political, medieval fantasy-thriller. There is a new…
Level 2 Blog Tour: Lenore Appelhans on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The best part about I&I posts? Writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
Joint Review: The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Title: The Darkest Minds Author: Alexandra Bracken Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Young Adult, Thriller Publisher: Disney Hyperion Publication date: December 2012 Hardcover: 496 pages When Ruby woke up on her tenth birthday, something about her had changed. Something alarming…
The Darkest Minds Blog Tour: Alexandra Bracken on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The best part about I&I posts? Writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
Thea’s Smugglivus 2012 Feats of Strength
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In previous years, the Feats of Strength were a challenge in which we dared each other to read a book that we knew was so far…