Title: Monsters Directed and Written by Gareth Edwards; Starring Whitey Able and Scoot McNairy Release Date: October 29, 2010 (US) Official Website: www.monstersthemovie.com Available for Rental on iTunes USA Synopsis: Alien life forms have spread throughout Central America leading…
To help close out our Halloween Festivities, we have our very own Dude, Harry Markov, talking about Horror Art. Please give a warm welcome to Harry! Halloween is coming, though I don’t need you to remind you that. With…
Halloween Week – Book Review: Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge
Title: Dark Harvest Author: Norman Partridge Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Cemetery Dance Publications (original) / Tor (reprint) Publication Date: October 2006 (original) / September 2010 (reprint) Paperback: 208 pages Halloween, 1963. They call him the October Boy, or…
Today’s guest is none other than Rick Yancey, the author behind the brilliant Monstrumologist books (The Monstrumologist and The Curse of the Wendigo). The Monstrumologist books are amongst Thea’s current favorite series’ – so when we were given the…
Halloween Week – Book Review: The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey
Title: The Curse of the Wendigo Author: Rick Yancey Genre: Horror, Young Adult, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s (US & UK) Publication Date: October 2010 Hardcover: 448 Pages While attempting to disprove that Homo vampiris, the vampire,…
Happy Sunday, everyone! It is the last week of October, and that can only mean one thing at Smugglers’ Headquarters…. IT’S HALLOWEEN WEEK! Every year, we take the last week in October to celebrate all things Halloween-y, from reviews…
Oh my god, Halloween Week is drawing to a close! It’s been a crazy, fun celebration, and what better way to end it all than with a look at horror in 2009? Today, for our final list, we celebrate…
Today, for our last guest of the season, we have the incomparable Katie(babs) of Babbling About Books, And More!. Katie has decided to write a little bit about some of the scariest places to visit, in Travel Channel fashion!…
What better way to celebrate the end (or almost, we still have two more posts today!) of our Halloween Week than to have a Flash Giveaway? We have two batches to giveaway, each to one lucky winner. Batch 1:…
Part of the fun of the Halloween season is the movies that are on cable tv – and on Halloween itself, networks usually prepare some really good lineups. This year, AMC has been a little disappointing – but we’re…