Title: Raiders’ Ransom (UK titles Reavers’ Ransom/Flood Child) Author: Emily Diamand Genre: Speculative Fiction, Post-apocalypse, Dystopia, Young Adult Publisher: The Chicken House (Scholastic) (US & UK) Publication Date: July 2009 (UK) / December 2009 (US) Hardcover: 352 pages Stand…
Title: The Maze Runner Author: James Dashner Genre: Dystopian/Apocalyptic, Horror, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Delacorte Books Publication Date: October 2009 Hardcover: 384 pages Stand alone or series: First book in a planned series. How did I get this…
For the past few months, we have been including an βOn our Radarβ section in our weekly stash for books that have caught our eye; books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular…
Title: Elegy Beach Author: Steven R. Boyett Genre: Fanatsy, Post-Apocalypse, Urban Fantasy Publisher: Ace Publication Date: November 2009 Hardcover: 384 Pages Stand alone or series: Sequel to Ariel (1983) How did I get this book: Review Copy from Publisher…
Steven R. Boyett is a multi-tasking guy – in addition to being the author of the cult classic, post-apocalyptic fantasy novel Ariel, he’s also a renowned DJ, and produces three ridiculously successful music podcasts. Oh, and he also has…
Halloween Book Review: Dying to Live: Life Sentence by Kim Paffenroth
Title: Dying to Live: Life Sentence Author: Kim Paffenroth Genre: Horror, Zombies, Post-Apocalyptic Ficiton Publisher: Permuted Press Publication Date: October 2008 Paperback: 232 pages Stand alone or series: Sequel to Dying to Live, but can be read as a…
Title: Ark Author: Stephen Baxter Genre: Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse Publisher: Gollancz (UK) Publication Date: August 2009 Trade Paperback: 416 pages Stand alone or series: Book 2 in a duology, following Flood. Why did I read this book: Despite a…
In anticipation for the release of the long awaited Elegy Beach, Steven Boyett’s much loved fantasy-post-apocalyptic tale Ariel has been re-released. And, after reading and enjoying Ariel, we’ve decided to hold a giveaway! More About the Book: At four-thirty…
Title: Ariel Author: Steven R. Boyett Genre: Speculative Fiction (Sci-Fi/Fantasy), Post-Apocalyptic Publisher: Ace Publication Date: January 1983 (original) / August 2009 (re-release) Paperback: 448 pages Stand alone or series: When Ariel was first published in 1983, it was intended…
Other Titles for the Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Fan to Try: I wanted to review many, many more books for YA Appreciation Month, but there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do so. Instead, I decided to compile a…