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Smugglers Ponderings

Smugglers Ponderings

BBAW Day 5: Presto Manifesto!

Today we are supposed to talk about our goals for our blog, to say what we like best about it, and to explain where would we like our blog to be one year from now. Given how there seem…

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Smugglers Ponderings

Extra! Extra! Infamous Smugglers Caught?

UK – It has been reported that a (beautiful, dashing, intelligent) woman in her 30s has been caught by her partner trying to smuggle a bag containing 18 books recently bought at into her library. Once confronted by…

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Popgeekery Smugglers Ponderings

Our Blog is Fabulous!

Mamma Mia! We got a Your Blog is Fabulous award from 4 awesome blogs: Books Lists Life, Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review, Dark Wolf and Grasping from the Wind! Thea and Ana – 20 years from now. The new Edina…

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