Title: Keeping the Castle Author: Patrice Kindl Genre: Regency, Historical, Young Adult Publisher: Viking Childrens Books Publication date: June 14th 2012 Hardcover: 224 pages Seventeen-year-old Althea is the sole support of her entire family, and she must marry well.…
Young Adult
Title: The Amaranth Enchantment Author: Julie Berry Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Books Publication Date: March 2009 Hardcover: 320 Pages A delightful fairytale by a lyrical new voice. When Lucinda Chapdelaine was a small…
Title: Fury Author: Shirley Marr Genre: Contemporary, Thriller, Young Adult Publisher: Black Dog Books Publication date: May 1 2011 Paperback: 277 pages Let me tell you my story. Not just the facts I know you want to hear. If…
What She Said: Code Name Verity and The False Prince
Today we bring you the latest installment in our feature, “What She Said…” in which we both review books that the other has previously read and reviewed. This feature arose because of a very serious dilemma we faced at…
Title: Mr Was Author: Peter Hautman Genre: Thriller, Time Travel, Young Adult Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication date: First published: March 1st 1996 /New edition: February 2012 Paperback: 240 pages This involving tale of destiny, passion, and death takes teenager…
Title: Secondhand Charm Author: Julie Berry Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Books Publication Date: October 2010 Hardcover: 352 Pages In a secluded village, magic sparkles on the edges of the forest. There, a young…
Title: Kill Me Softly Author: Sarah Cross Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Retelling, Young Adult Publisher: Egmont USA Publication Date: April 2012 Hardcover: 336 Pages Mirabelle’s past is shrouded in secrecy, from her parents’ tragic deaths to her guardians’ half-truths…
Title: The Boneshaker Author: Kate Milford / Illustrations by Andrea Offermann Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Horror, Americana, Young Adult, NOT-STEAMPUNK! Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication date: May 21st 2010 Hardcover: 372 pages Thirteen-year-old Natalie Minks loves machines, particularly automata—self-operating mechanical…
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free rein so they can go wild…
Book Review: Dead Reckoning by Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill & Jane Hodson
Title: Dead Reckoning Author: Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill & Jane Hodson Genre: Western, Horror, Zombies, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Publication Date: June 2012 Hardcover: 336 Pages Jett is a girl disguised as a boy, living as…