Title: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie directed by Gavin Hood; screenplay by David Benioff and Skip Woods; starring Hugh Jackman, Liev Shreiber, Danny Huston, Lynn Collins, Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Kitsch, Will I Am, Dominic Mognahan and Kevin Durand. The first…
We haven’t had one of these in a while, so we decided to throw one up. Y’know. For Wolverine and all. A few weeks ago, we stumbled across these covers over at Marvel.com. In celebration of Wolverine’s 35th anniversary,…
The summer officially kicks off this Friday with the first official blockbuster film of the season – X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And, as we both have nothing but love for Wolvie, what better way to prepare for the film’s release…
The weekend is over, alas! But we have another shiny new stash for you to chase away the impending Monday blues… Oooh, Pretty! The new cover to The Dead-Tossed Waves (out next year), Carrie Ryan’s companion book to her…
A couple of days ago we came across an intriguing question posed online — “What’s your Scott and Jean?” As part of a Mega-Blog Crossover Event, the crew over at Alert Nerd posed the above question to Geeks around…