Title: Sidekicked Author: John David Anderson Genre: Speculative Fiction, Contemporary/Urban Fantasy, Superheroes, Middle Grade Publisher: Walden Pond Press Publication Date: June 2013 Hardcover: 384 Pages With not nearly enough power comes way too much responsibility. Andrew Bean might be…
The Dare: Ana reads Nightlife by Rob Thurman / Thea reads Broken by Susan Jane Bigelow
IT’S BACK! The Dare is back! Years ago now, we used to have a regular feature called The Dare (and its sibling, the Guest Dare) in which we dared each other to read books outside of our comfort zone.…
Over at Kirkus: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit by Nahoko Uehashi
Itβs Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea reviews bestselling Japanese fantasy novel (turned manga and anime series) Guardian of the Spirit by Nahoko Uehashi… …and she freaking LOVED it. This beautiful, thoughtful yet action-packed book…
Itβs Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today Ana reviews an anthology edited by Rich Horton and with superhero stories by heavy hitters like Peter S Beagle and Kelly Link, among others. Did it break Ana’s recent…
Itβs Friday so this means we are over at Kirkus! This week, Thea reviews Only Superhuman by Christopher L. Bennett… …a superhero novel that, unfortunately, isn’t very good, and calls to mind the very worst stereotypes in superhero fiction.…
We are over at Kirkus today with Anaβs review of superhero book Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin… …which turned out to be disgustingly sexist. Go HERE to read the whole thing. Warning: prepare to be appalled.…
Reading The Spark by Susan Jane Bigelow: In which I urge our readers to read The Extrahumans Series
Title: The Spark Author: Susan Jane Bigelow Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian, Superheroes Publisher: Candlemark & Gleam Publication date: August 2012 Paperback: 404 pages Deirdre Burns White clings desperately to her normal life. She has a job, a boyfriend and…
In recent years, the Superhero has been making it to the Silver Screen in a big way. Beyond just the usual Batman and Superman reboots, select lesser-known heroes have been getting their turn in the mainstream spotlight. This summer,…
Title: After the Golden Age> Author: Carrie Vaughn Genre: Urban Fantasy, Super-heroes Publisher: Tor Publication date: April 2011 Hardcover: 304 pages Can an accountant defeat a supervillain? Celia West, only daughter of the heroic leaders of the superpowered Olympiad,…
Title: Broken Author: Susan Jane Bigelow Genre: Dystopian / Fantasy / Superheroes Publisher: Candlemark & Gleam Publication date: January 2011 Ebook: 340 pages In a post-war future world where First Contact has been made, humans are colonizing the stars,…