
Over at Kirkus: Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin

We are over at Kirkus today with Anaโ€™s review of superhero book Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin…

…which turned out to be disgustingly sexist. Go HERE to read the whole thing. Warning: prepare to be appalled.

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  • Linda W
    September 7, 2012 at 7:53 am

    I read your review. I will prepare to run away from this book. I grew up reading superhero comic books and have always loved the genre. But that doesn’t mean the genre doesn’t need to change (i.e., by embracing strong, believable heroines). I can halfway understand it this book was a spoof on the genre, as you hoped. But this book doesn’t sound like a parody. If that’s the case, yeah, I feel appalled.

  • Paige
    September 7, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Oh, what a terrible book! Oh, what a hilarious review!

  • Gerd D.
    September 7, 2012 at 9:45 am

    Wow, what a true “Oh, John Ringo, no!” type of book.
    Everytime when you think the bottom must be hit by now, someone goes to prove that there’s still a ways to fall.

    Reading the review I’m not sure what I find scarier, that somebody wrote such a… steaming pile of something, or that he actually has found a publisher for it.

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