Title: The End League – Volume 1: The Ballad of Big Nothing Written by Rick Remender, pencils and covers by Mat Broome, inks by Sean Parsons, colors by Wendy Broome and James Rochelle Genre: Graphic Novel, Superheroes Publisher: Dark…
Graphic Novel
Graphic Novel Review: Irredeemable Volume #2 by Mark Waid and artwork by Peter Krause
Title: Irredeemable vol.#2 Author: Mark Waid/ Artist: Peter Krause Genre: Graphic Novels/ Comics Publisher: Boom! Studios Publishing Date: March, 2010 Paperback: 128 pages Stand Alone or series: This volume collects issues 5-8 of the ongoing series. What if the…
During our last Steampunk Week, in our primer we boiled down our own essential Steampunk Reading List, limited to prose books only. But this time around, we’ve got our own recommendations for everything else – comics, movies, and games.…
Title: Kick-Ass Graphic Novel (Vol. 1 collecting issues #1 to #8) by Mark Millar (writer) and John Romita, Jr (illustrator) February 2008-Present. Moviedirected by Matthew Vaughn; Starring Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz, and Nicholas Cage. Released 2010. Dave Lizewski, is…
“Inspirations and Influences” is a new series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free reign so they can go…
Book Review: The New Brighton Archeological Society by Mark Andrew Smith & Matthew Weldon
Title: The New Brighton Archeological Society (Volume 1: The Castle of Galomar) Author: Written by Mark Andrew Smith & Illustrated by Matthew Weldon Genre: Young Adult, Graphic Novel, Adventure, Fantasy Publisher: Image Comics Publication Date: March 2009 Softcover: 179…
Guest Dare: Scalped Vol. 1 (Indian Country) by Jason Aaron & R.M. Guéra
Welcome to guest dare! For those new to the feature, our Guest Dare is a monthly endeavor in which we invite an unsuspecting victim to read a book totally outside of their comfort zone. You can read all previous…
Steampunk Week – From the Page to the Screen: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Graphic Novel (Vol. 1) by Alan Moore (writer) and Kevin O’Neill (illustrator) . Published in 1999. TV Movie directed by Stephen Norrington; Starring Sean Connery, Naseeruddin Shah, Peta Wilson, Tony Curran, Stuart Townsend,…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…
Graphic Novel Review: Irredeemable Volume #1 by Mark Waid and artwork by Peter Krause
Title: Irredeemable vol.#1 Author: Mark Vaid/ Artist: Peter Krause Genre: Graphic Novels/ Comics Publisher: Boom! Studios Publishing Date: October 6, 2009 Paperback: 128 pages Stand Alone or series: This volumes collects the first fours issues in a brand new…