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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Ice by Sarah Beth Durst

Title: Ice Author: Sarah Beth Durst Genre: Fantasy, Retelling, Young Adult Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry (US) / Simon & Schuster Children’s (UK) Publication Date: October 2009 Hardcover: 320 pages (US) Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel How did…

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Smugglers Stash Smugglivus

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hi-yo! Another weekend, another stash. First, a few announcements… Giveaway Winner: The lucky winner of a copy of M.L.N. Hanover’s Darker Angels, book 2 in The Black Sun’s Daughter series, is… LoriT! (Comment #23) Congratulations! You know the drill…

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On the Radar

On The Smugglers’ Radar

“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…

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On the Radar

On The Smugglers’ Radar

For the past few months, we have been including an “On our Radar” section in our weekly stash for books that have caught our eye; books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular…

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Chat With an Author

Chat With An Author: Steven R. Boyett

Steven R. Boyett is a multi-tasking guy – in addition to being the author of the cult classic, post-apocalyptic fantasy novel Ariel, he’s also a renowned DJ, and produces three ridiculously successful music podcasts. Oh, and he also has…

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