Title: Five Flavors of Dumb Author: Antony John Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Publisher: Dial Publication date: November 2010 Hardcover: 352 pages The Challenge: Piper has one month to get the rock band Dumb a paying gig. The Deal: If…
Kill All Enemies Blog Tour: Melvin Burgess on Inspirations and Influences
Kill All Enemies is the newest book by Melvin Burgess, considered by many to be the grandfather of YA fiction and winner of the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize and of the Carnegie Medal. Burgess’ new book is a fictionalised…
Nerds Heart YA Joint Review: What Momma Left Me by Renee Watson
Title: What Momma Left Me Author: Renee Watson Genre: Contemporary, PoC, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books Publication date: July 6th 2010 Hardcover: 240 pages How is it that unsavory raw ingredients come together to form a delicious…
Title: There Is No Dog Author: Meg Rosoff Genre: Speculative Fiction Publisher: Puffin books Publication date: September 1st 2011 Hardcover: 256 pages Meet your unforgettable protagonist: God, who, as it turns out, is a 19-year-old boy living in the…
Title: Nothing Author: Janne Teller Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Publisher: Atheneum Publication date: February 9, 2010 Hardcover: 24o pages Pierre Anthon left school the day he found out that it was not worth doing anything as nothing mattered anyhow.…
Title: Shut Out Author: Kody Keplinger Genre: Contemporary, Retelling, Young Adult Publisher: Poppy Publication date: September 5 2011 Hardcover: 288 pages Most high school sports teams have rivalries with other schools. At Hamilton High, it’s a civil war: the…
Title: The Boyfriend List Author: E. Lockhart Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Publisher: Delacorte (US)/ Corgi (UK) Publication date: September 2011 Paperback: 229 pages Ruby Oliver is 15 and has a shrink. She knows itβs unusual, but give her a…
Title: Gemini Bites Author: Patrick Ryan Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Publisher: Scholastic Press Publication date: March 2011 Hardcover: 240 pages Judy and Kyle Renneker are sixteen-year-old fraternal twins in a rambling family of nine. They have a prickly history…
Joint Review: Aliens on Vacation by Clete Barrett Smith
Title: Aliens on Vacation (The Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast) Author: Clete Barrett Smith Genre: Science Fiction, Contemporary, Aliens, Middle Grade Publisher: Hyperion Books Publication date: May 3rd 2011 Hardcover: 272 pages Scrub isnβt happy about leaving Florida and his…
Joint Review: Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Title: Texas Gothic Author: Rosemary Clement-Moore Genre: Contemporary/Urban Fantasy (Rural Fantasy?), Mystery, Young Adult Publisher: Random House Children’s Books (US)/Corgi Children’s (UK) Publication date: July 2011 (US & UK) Hardcover: 416 pages Amy Goodnight’s family is far from normal.…