Title: When Dimple Met Rishi Author: Sandhya Menon Genre: Contemporary YA, Romance Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication Date: May 30 2017 Hardcover: 380 Pages A laugh-out-loud, heartfelt YA romantic comedy, told in alternating perspectives, about two Indian-American teens whose parents…
Hello and a Happy Monday to all! Today we are hosting the cover and exclusive excerpt from The Eterna Solution, the conclusion to Leanna Renee Hieber’s Eterna Files series, set in her Victorian gaslamp fantasy world. The Cover: The…
It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus! Today, inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Ana made a List of Awesome (and recent) Found Families that she loved. Go over there to check it out.…
In Conversation: A Middle Grade Round Table with Stephanie Burgis, Sheela Chari, Uma Krishnaswami and Mark Siegel
Today, we are proud to be hosting a round table with four middle grade writers, discussing their writing process, development of ideas, research, and more. The round table is composed by Stephanie Burgis (The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart),…
Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday to all! This is what we have in store this week… This Week on The Book Smugglers On Monday, Thea reviews Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas… On Tuesday, Ana reviews When Dimple…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…
Title: The Shadow Cipher Author: Laura Ruby Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade Publisher: Walden Pond Press Publication Date: May 16 2017 Hardcover: 448 Pages It was 1798 when the Morningstarr twins arrived in New York with a vision for a…
Hello and a Happy Tuesday to all! Today, we are delighted to host an exclusive excerpt from Perilous Prophecy, an upcoming Tor.com novel Leanna Renee Hieber. Perilous Prophecy is the prequel to the author’s seminal gaslamp fantasy, Strangely Beautiful!…
It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus! Today, Ana reviews a new novella by Mira Grant Final Girls is a cool SciFi-Horror novella. Go over there to get the full scoop.…
Hello everybody! We recently released our second novella, Reenu-You by Michele Tracy Berger and today the author is over at Scalzi’s Whatever blog talking about the novella for The Big Idea! A snippet: I’ve been interested in hair and…