Title: The Last Will of Moira Leahy Author: Therese Walsh Genre: Fiction (Paranormal) Publisher: Shaye Areheart Books Publishing Date: October 2009 Hardcover: 304 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone How did I get the book: Review copy from…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…
Title: The Dust of 100 Dogs Author: A. S. King Genre: YA (and a mish-mash of Romance! Pirates! History! Reincarnation!) Publisher: Flux Publishing Date: January 2009 Paperback: 336 pages Stand alone or series: Stand Alone Why did I read…
I am suffering from genre exhaustion. When someone reads as much as I do (about 3-4 books per week), it is inevitable that I sometimes hit the proverbial reading slump, even amongst the genres I most love (as in…
For the past few months, we have been including an “On our Radar” section in our weekly stash for books that have caught our eye; books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular…
Joint Review & Giveaway: One Con Glory by Sarah Kuhn
It’s Alert Nerd Day at The Book Smugglers! Today we take a look at Alert Nerd Press – an independent digital publisher dedicated to making geek-centric fiction and nonfiction for the discriminating nerd, both online and in print. Title:…
Welcome to another Guest Dare – the October edition. For those new to the feature, our Guest Dare is a monthly endeavor in which we invite an unsuspecting victim to read a book totally outside of their comfort zone.…
What She Said: Heir to Sevenwaters & The Name of the Wind
Today we bring you the latest installment in our new feature, “What She Said…” in which we both review books that the other has already read and reviewed. The idea arose because of the dilemma that if one of…
Book Review: Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles (a Powerpuff Girls Collaboration)
This is a Powerpuff Girls Collaboration, brought to you by Ana (aka Bubbles) and Katiebabs (aka Blossum) and on this occasion Kmont (aka Buttercup II). A Powerpuff Girls review is a fun way of combining forces between blogs: we…
It’s Austenmania! Today we do a little homage to the queen of Historical Romance herself, the indomitable Jane Austen. With a twist – both books we are reviewing take Jane Austen in the modern era, either in spirit (literally),…