Title: The Isle of Blood Author: Rick Yancey Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publication Date: September 2011 Hardcover: 448 Pages When Dr. Warthrop goes hunting the “Holy Grail of Monstrumology” with his eager…
Monstrumologist Series
In celebration of the release of the third (and NOT final) book in the Monstrumologist series, The Isle of Blood we declare today Monstrumologist Monday! We are thrilled to have author Rick Yancey over for a guest post –…
Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday! Rick Yancey’s Monstrumologist Series Gets A Reprieve! In case you haven’t heard the fantastic, amazing, wonderful news, Rick Yancey’s Monstrumologist series will get a fourth book from publisher Simon & Schuster. Here’s Rick Yancey’s…
Hello everybody! Hope you are having an awesome weekend? Giveaway Winners: Laura D Congratulations! You know the drill. Send us an email (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail mail address, and weβll get your winnings out to…
The Monstrumologist books by Rick Yancey are amongst Theaβs current favorite series – she absolutely loved these two books – so when we were offered copies to giveaway here, we were more than happy to accept so that we…
Today’s guest is none other than Rick Yancey, the author behind the brilliant Monstrumologist books (The Monstrumologist and The Curse of the Wendigo). The Monstrumologist books are amongst Thea’s current favorite series’ – so when we were given the…
Halloween Week β Book Review: The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey
Title: The Curse of the Wendigo Author: Rick Yancey Genre: Horror, Young Adult, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s (US & UK) Publication Date: October 2010 Hardcover: 448 Pages While attempting to disprove that Homo vampiris, the vampire,…