Title: Malpractice: An Anthology of Bedside Terror Author: Anthology, edited by Nathaniel Lambert Genre: Horror, Anthology, Short Fiction, Flash Fiction Publisher: Necrotic Tissue Publication Date: March 2009 Paperback: 240 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone anthology How did…
For our next stop on Halloween Week, we have the fabulous paranormal romance/urban fantasy author Meljean Brook over for a guest post! We are unabashed Meljean fangirls – so when we were inviting folks over for Halloween, she was…
Disclaimer: Halloween is totally a Thea thing when she hijacks the blog and makes me watch and read all sorts of stuff that are way outside my comfort zone (I am SO NOT a horror/Halloween fan). Last year, it…
Last year, we covered Vampires, Shapeshifters, Ghosts and Slashers…and we ran out of time before we could cover one of our very favorite subgenres in the Horror-verse: we’re talking about Science Fiction Horror. What could be better than a…
Halloween Book Review: Dying to Live: Life Sentence by Kim Paffenroth
Title: Dying to Live: Life Sentence Author: Kim Paffenroth Genre: Horror, Zombies, Post-Apocalyptic Ficiton Publisher: Permuted Press Publication Date: October 2008 Paperback: 232 pages Stand alone or series: Sequel to Dying to Live, but can be read as a…
Yesterday, the wonderful Harry Markov of Temple Library Reviews – or Harrymonster, as we like to call him – had us Book Smugglers over at his blog for a Halloween interview. Today, we return the favor! See, Harry, Ana…
Halloween Week Book Review: Never Slow Dance with a Zombie
Title: Never Slow Dance With A Zombie Author: E. Van Lowe Genre: YA (Horror) Publisher: Tor Teen Publishing Date: August 2009 Paperback: 256 pages Stand alone or series: Stand Alone Why did I read the Book: It is a…
Today, we bring you all things zombie and zombie inspired. It’s the Zombie Day stop on our Book Smuggler tour of Hallowee–wait, what’s that? OH GOD! NO! NOOooooooo — *slurp gurgle slurp* *nom* *nom* *nom* BRAAAAAAAAAAAAINS! ******************** Title: Hater…
I was looking through my horror dvds the other day, and came to a “d’oh” realization – I have a LOT of John Carpenter. I’m talking, nearly a shelf solely devoted to his films. And there’s a perfectly good…
For Halloween Week 2009, we will be bringing you a different guest blogger each day, sharing their own Halloween Words of Wisdom and Ponderings. Today, we give you the uber-talented and supercool Graeme, of Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review. A…