Title: Ruins Author: Dan Wells Genre: Dystopia, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Balzer + Bray Publication Date: March 2014 Hardcover: 464 Pages Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping…
Dan Wells
Title: Fragments Author: Dan Wells Genre: Post-Apocalypse, Dystopia, Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Balzer + Bray Publication Date: February 2013 Hardcover: 564 Pages Kira Walker has found the cure for RM, but the battle for the survival of humans…
Title: I Don’t Want to Kill You Author: Dan Wells Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction, Thriller/Crime Publisher: Tor (US)/Headline (UK) Publication Date: March 2011 (US)/June 2011 (UK) Paperback: 320 Pages Dan Wells introduced us to John Wayne Cleaver in the…
Title: Mr. Monster Author: Dan Wells Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction, Crime, Thriller Publisher: Headline (UK) / Tor (US) Publication Date: March 2010 (UK) / September 2010 (US) Hardcover: 288 pages (US) I killed a demon. I donβt know if…
Title: I Am Not A Serial Killer Author: Dan Wells Genre: Thriller/Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Tor (US) / Headline (UK) Publication Date: March 2010 (US) / March 2009 (UK) Paperback: 272 Pages John Wayne Cleaver is dangerous, and he…
Happy Sunday, everyone! If you’re in the US, hope you’re enjoying the long weekend (with barbecues and beers and fireworks, etc). Demon Blood Giveaway Winners: The two lucky winners of Meljean Brook’s latest are: Sarah Z (comment #36) Alex…