Title: The Enemy Author: Charlie Higson Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Hyperion (US) / Puffin (UK) Publication Date: May 2010 (US) / September 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 448 Pages (US) In the wake of a devastating disease, everyone…
BEA 2010
BEA Appreciation Week – Book Review: Seth Baumgartner’s Love Manifesto by Eric Luper
Title: Seth Baumgartner’s Love Manifesto Author: Eric Luper Genre: Contemporary YA Publisher Balzer + Bray Publication Date: June 8, 2010 Hardcover: 304 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone Seth Baumgartner just had the worst day of his life.…
BEA Appreciation Week – Book Review: Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
Title: Sapphique Author: Catherine Fisher Genre: Dystopia,Young Adult, Fantasy Publisher: Dial (US) / Hodder Children’s Books (UK) Publication Date: December 2010 (US) / September 2008 (UK) Hardcover: 450 Pages (US) Finn has escaped from the terrible living Prison of…
Howdy folks, and welcome to another edition of the Smugglers’ Stash. First, a few announcements… Giveaway Winners: We have a few winners to announce! The winner of The Iron King by Julie Kagawa is… Jacqueline C. (Comment #30) The…
Book Expo America 2010 Or: How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Hundreds of Pounds of Books – Final Report
This is our final report for Book Expo America 2010, go HERE for Days 0/1 and HERE for Day 2 DAY THREE: Book Blogger Convention, Tour of Hachette, and AWESOME Japanese food Ana: I have always wanted to attend…
Book Expo America 2010 Or: How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Hundreds of Pounds of Books – Day 2
This is our report for Day 2 of Book Expo America 2010, go HERE for Days 0/1 DAY TWO: The Lack of Will Power, Alchoholic Pasta, Geeking Out and a Smugglerific Party Thea and Ana getting ready to rock…
BookExpo America, Or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hundreds of Pounds of Books – Day 0/1
For the past few weeks, there has been only one thing on our minds. Three tiny little initials, that encompassed the pinnacle (thus far) of our Book Smuggling careers: In the two years that we have been running The…
Howdy, howdy, howdy! It has been a long, exhausting, incredible week, but we are finally done with BEA and headed home. And on that note, here’s what we have planned for the week. (And because we are in full…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…
Hello there! As you probably know by now, we are getting ready to leave for NY on Tuesday in order to attend Book Expo America and The Book Blogger Convention. We are super-ultra-excited about everything: about the events we…