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Smuggler Specialties

Old School Wednesdays

Old School Wednesdays: February Poll

As you probably know by now, Old School Wednesdays is a new weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when we were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and…

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On the Radar

On the Smugglers’ Radar: The First One of 2015

“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…

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The Book Smugglers Present 2015: All The Announcements

HAPPY SMUGGLIVUS, EVERYONE! Today is our official blogoversary – we are seven (seven!!!!) years old today. We’ve had a multitude of wonderful authors, bloggers, and SFF fans as guest contributors over the past several weeks. We’ve listed our own…

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