Title: Grave Mercy Author: Robin LaFevers Genre: Historical, Paranormal, Young Adult Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication date: April 3rd 2012 Hardcover: 549 pages Seventeen-year-old Ismae escapes from the brutality of an arranged marriage into the sanctuary of the convent…
DNF Books
Title: Beauty Queens Author: Libba Bray Genre: Satire, Humor, Adventure/Survival, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Scholastic Publication Date: May 2011 Hardcover: 400 Pages The fifty contestants in the Miss Teen Dream Pageant thought this was going to be a…
So, last week, Ana talked about a few books she tried to read this past month, but could not finish. I really, really loathe DNFs. I try to muscle through books as much as I can – but sometimes,…
Did Not Finish: A Discovery of Witches, Allison Hewitt is Trapped and Delirium
I don’t finish all the books I start. There are several reasons why I do not finish a book and they vary wildly: it could be because the writing is uninspiring or the characters don’t ring true. Or because…
A Dude Reads PNR Double Feature: Scented Dreams & Where the Rain is Made
Welcome to another segment in our “A Dude Reads PNR” series, in which our delightful buddy Harry, from Temple Library Reviews joins us once a month to review paranormal romance from a dude’s perspective. Please give a warm welcome…
Title: Matched Author: Ally Condie Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Dutton Juvenile Publication Date: November 2010 Hardcover: 384 Pages Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to…
Being here and writing reviews almost every day, reading other blogs and other reviews often make me ponder about the act of reading itself, and how I approach books and eventually how I review them. It also makes me…
Joint Review: Soulless by Gail Carriger
Title: Soulless Author: Gail Carriger Genre: Romance, Horror/Fantasy Publisher: Orbit Publishing Date: September 29, 2009 Paperback: 384 pages Stand Alone or series: Book one in a planned series, titled The Parasol Protectorate. Summary: (from amazon.com) Alexia Tarabotti is laboring…
A couple of months ago read, or at least, try to read, Night’s Rose by Annaliese Evans and it ended up being the first ever book that neither of us were able to finish. The result was a conversational…
Welcome to yet another Guest Dare – the June edition. For those new to the feature, our Guest Dare is a monthly endeavor in which we invite an unsuspecting victim to read a book totally outside of their comfort…