Title: Grave Mercy Author: Robin LaFevers Genre: Historical, Paranormal, Young Adult Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication date: April 3rd 2012 Hardcover: 549 pages Seventeen-year-old Ismae escapes from the brutality of an arranged marriage into the sanctuary of the convent…
Book Debate
Review number: 34 Review: OK, right. At some deeper level of consciousness I would agree with most of Theaβs points (the βFragβ thing was particularly eye-popping) but I ended up not caring about the bad and the ugly because…
I feel like such a Debbie Downer when it comes to these much buzzed over romance novels. But, I got nothing else if I ain’t honest, so here goes. Review Number: 27ish? Review: Grimspace by Ann Aguirre is the…
Loads of glowing reviews around blogland have prompted us to pick Grimspace for our Book of the Month feature and do a joint review. But, in the process of reading it we realized that whilst Ana was having a…
Wow, Thea I had no idea you felt so passionate about the book. I just hope I can defend it as well as you attacked it. Why did I read the book: I bought it ages ago after reading…
*cracks knuckles* Why did I read this book: It had overwhelmingly positive reviews on virtually every site, and having read another so-called paranormal romance (Bitten by Kelley Armstrong) and loved it, I decided to give this one a try…despite…
Recently, Ana finished reading A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole, and loved it. On the other hand, I had read the book and despised it. Since this is too good an opportunity to pass up, we decided…