Title: Mine to Possess Author: Nalini Singh Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone / Series: 4th Full length novel of the Psy-Changeling series Summary:Clay Bennett is a powerful DarkRiver sentinel, but he grew up in the slums with his human…
8 Rated Books
Title: The King’s Favorite Author: Susan Holloway Scott Genre: Historical Fiction Why did we read this book: During our recent Chat With an Author, Loretta Chase mentioned Susan Holloway Scott’s The Royal Harlot as one of her inspirations for…
Title: Manhunter – Street Justice Author: Mark Andreyko, Jesus Saiz, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Steve Buccellato Genre: Graphic Novel, Superhero Stand alone or series: Part of Mark Andreyko’s Manhunter run, collects issues 1-5 Summary: (from DCComics.com)When top federal prosecutor Kate…
Title: The Iron Hunt Author: Marjorie M. Liu Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: First novel in the Hunter Kiss series (although preceded by the novella “Hunter Kiss”) Why did I read this book: Ana had just finished…
Title: Cry Wolf Author: Patricia Briggs Genre: Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: The first full length novel in the Alpha and Omega series (following the novella “Alpha and Omega” in the On the Prowl anthology); set in the…
Gaiman Week – Children’s Books Double Feature: The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Gold Fish and Odd and The Frost Giants
Title: The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish Author: Written by Neil Gaiman/ Illustrated by David Mckean Genre: Fantasy/Children Summary: “What if you wanted your best friend’s two goldfish so much that you’d swap anything for them,…
Title: Stardust Novel by Neil Gaiman Movie directed by Matthew Vaughn; screenplay by Jane Goldman & Matthew Vaughn; Starring Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Robert DeNiro Stardust was my very first Neil Gaiman book. On the recommendation…
Title: Shades of Dark Author: Linnea Sinclair Genre: Science Fiction Romance Stand alone or series: Sequel to Gabriel’s Ghost; this installment marks book 2 in a series set in the GG universe **THIS IS NOT A STAND ALONE BOOK!…
Title: Dead to the World Author: Charlaine Harris Genre: Paranormal mystery, Urban Fantasy Stand Alone / series: Book 3 of Southern Vampires Mysteries, or Sookie Stackhouse books. Summary: (from barnes&noble.com) When cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse sees a naked man…
Title: Demon Angel Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand Alone or Series: Book 2 of The Guardians series (although each book can be read as a stand alone volume) Summary: (from meljeanbrook.com)For two thousand years, Lilith wrought vengeance…