Title: The Graveyard Book Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did we read this book: Really? Because, obviously, we love Neil Gaiman. (The question should be why did it…
Book of the Month
Title: The King’s Favorite Author: Susan Holloway Scott Genre: Historical Fiction Why did we read this book: During our recent Chat With an Author, Loretta Chase mentioned Susan Holloway Scott’s The Royal Harlot as one of her inspirations for…
Title: Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer Series, book 1) Author: Karen Chance Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Stand alone or series: First in the Cassandra Palmer series Summary: (from Amazon.com) Like any sensible girl, Cassie tries to avoid vampires. But…
Title: Sunshine Author: Robin McKinley Review number: Anaβs 30th and Theaβs 24th Genre: (Urban) Fantasy, Horror Stand alone or series: Stand alone Summary: They took her clothes and sneakers. They dressed her in a long red gown. And they…
Book of the Month: Lord of the Fading Lands
Each month Thea and I choose one book that we both review. Last month’s was The Time Traveler’s Wife and we read it because it was the choice of our book club. This month, we chose to read Lord…
Why did I read this book?: It was the chosen book of the month for our book club. Review: I start reading the book and I am immediately sucked into it. I find the first few chapters enchanting, the…
I guess I’ll begin with the regular spiel. Why did I read this book?: I have heard a LOT about this book from multiple sources, and all the reviews have been positive. That said, this is not a book…
Since Thea and I read different genres most of the time β Me, reading mostly Romance Novels and Thea reading mostly Sci-fi/Fantasy, although I can feel deep in my bones that she will turn into a voracious Romance reader…