Title: N. Produced by Scribner, CBS Mobile Entertainment, Marvel Comics & Stephen King; Based on the short story by Stephen King; Art by Alex Maleev and Jose Villarrubia; Adapted by Marc Guggenheim and Stephen King Summary: (from SimonSays.com)Master storyteller…
Title: American Gods Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Dark Fantasy, horror Summary: (from amazon.com)Released from prison, Shadow finds his world turned upside down. His wife has been killed; a mysterious stranger offers him a job. But Mr. Wednesday, who knows…
Title: Coraline Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Young Adult, Horror-Fantasy Why did I read this book: After having read Neil Gaiman’s adult works, I was excited to see how his writing would translate in young adult format! When I read…
A few weeks back, Ana and I decided to share our love for pushing the reading comfort zone, and we Dared the wonderful Kmont from Lurv Γ la Mode to guest review a book here! We asked Kmont what…
On the Tube…
With the season finale of LOST last Thursday, if you’re a fan like we are, you may just find yourself with a huge hole in your weekly television schedule. NEVER FEAR! Or actually, perhaps you should, because tonight marks…
This Episode’s Unearthings: Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness Since the recent Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness got me in the mood…. Any horror fan worth their salt has seen The Evil Dead movies. These…
Title: Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness Author: John Layman, Fabiano Neves & June Chung Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: Second Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 4 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From…
Movie Review: The Orphanage
Title: El Orfanato (The Orphanage) Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona; “Presented” by Guillermo del Toro; starring BelΓ©n Rueda, Fernando Cayo, and Roger PrΓncep In between all the basketball this weekend, I finally got a chance to watch this movie.…
This week’s ponderings: What is your favorite ’80s horror flick? The Howling – Probably one of (if not THE) greatest werewolf movie ever Prince of Darkness – John Carpenter’s answer to particle physics and theology; TACHYONS! Re-Animator – Franken-zombies!…
Title: The Ruins Novel by Scott Smith Movie directed by Carter Smith; screenplay by Scott Smith; starring Jonathan Tucker, Jena Malone, Shawn Ashmore, and Laura Ramsey Last Friday, the film adaptation of Scott Smithβs second novel, The Ruins, hit…