Title: Marvel Zombies Author: Robert Kirkman, Sean Phillips Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror Stand alone or series: First Graphic novel in what is now a collection of 3 Marvel Zombie specials Summary: (From amazon.com)Torn from the pages of Ultimate Fantastic…
Title: The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novel) Author: Stephen King, Peter David, Robin Furth, and Jae Lee Review Number: 25 Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror, Dark Fantasy Stand alone or series: Graphic Novel adaptation of the 7 book…
Title: The Gunslinger Author: Stephen King Review Number : 31 Genre: fantasy/Horror Stand alone/ series: book 1 of Dark Tower series Summary: In the Gunslinger, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead,…
Title: Sunshine Author: Robin McKinley Review number: Anaβs 30th and Theaβs 24th Genre: (Urban) Fantasy, Horror Stand alone or series: Stand alone Summary: They took her clothes and sneakers. They dressed her in a long red gown. And they…
Title: The Mist Novella by Stephen King Movie directed by Frank Darabont; starring Thomas Jane Today the film adaptation of Stephen King’s novella The Mist hits stores. Previously published in Skeleton Crew, the novella was marketed on its own…
Title: I Am Legend Novel by Richard Matheson Movie directed by Francis Lawrence; starring Will Smith Today the most recent movie adaptation of Richard Matheson’s classic vampire story I Am Legend comes out on dvd. The novel is one…
Title: Witching Hour Theater Author: Craig Shaeffer Review Number: 20 Genre: Horror Stand alone or series: Stand alone novella Summary: (From creativeguypublishing.com)On a cool October night at the Starlight Cinema, an all-night horror movie triple feature is about to…
Title: 30 Days of NightGraphic Novel by Steve Niles and Ben TemplesmithMovie directed by David Slade; starring Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, and Danny Huston In honor of todayβs dvd release, I thought Iβd write a review for 30 Days…
Joel A. Sutherland is a librarian, an editor and an author. He and his wife Colleen Morris are co-editors of the recently Book Smuggler reviewed Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths–a horror story anthology with some bite (Lame attempt at…
Title: Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths Author: Anthology of short stories with various authors; edited by Colleen Morris and Joel A. Sutherland Review Number: 9 Genre: Short Fiction, Horror Stand alone or Series: Stand Alone Summary: (from amazon.com)Fried! contains…