Title: The Siren Depths Author: Martha Wells Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Night Shade Books Publication date: December 2012 Paperback: 320 pages All his life, Moon roamed the Three Worlds, a solitary wanderer forced to hide his true nature — until…
Old School Wednesdays: The Green Glass Sea & The Pearl of the Soul of the World
Welcome, everyone, to the start of a brand new Smugglerific feature! Today we bring you the first in an ongoing weekly special: Old School Wednesdays! We came up with the idea towards the end of last year, when both…
Title: The Cadet of Tildor Author: Alex Lidell Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Dial Publication date: January 10th 2013 Hardcover: 400 pages Tamora Pierce meets George R. R. Martin in this smart, political, medieval fantasy-thriller. There is a new…
Title: Ordinary Magic Author: Caitlen Rubino-Bradway Genre: Middle Grade, Fantasy Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Publication Date: May 2012 Hardcover: 277 Pages In Abby’s world, magic isn’t anything special: it’s a part of everyday life. So when Abby learns that…
Thea’s Smugglivus 2012 Feats of Strength
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In previous years, the Feats of Strength were a challenge in which we dared each other to read a book that we knew was so far…
Ana’s Smugglivus 2012 Feats of Strength
The Feats of Strength are an integral part of our annual Smugglivus Tradition. In previous years, the Feats of Strength were a challenge in which we dared each other to read a book that we knew was so far…
Title: The Crimson Crown Author: Cinda Williams Chima Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Hyperion Books Children (Disney) Publication Date: October 2012 Hardcover: 598 Pages A thousand years ago, two young lovers were betrayed–Alger Waterlow to his death, and Hanalea,…
It’s Friday so this means we are over at Kirkus! This week, Ana reviews speculative fiction novel The Constantine Affliction by T Aaron Payton. I was kind of let down by this book – it had a lot of…
Title: Iron Hearted Violet Author: Kelly Barnhill Genre: Fantasy, MG Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Publication date: October 9th 2012 Hardcover: 432 pages The end of their world begins with a story. This one. In most fairy…
Joint Review: In A Glass Grimmly by Adam Gidwitz
Title: In a Glass Grimly Author: Adam Gidwitz Genre: Fantasy, Fairytale retelling, Middle Grade Publisher: Dutton Children’s Books Publication date: September 2012 Hardcover: 312 pages More Grimm tales await in the harrowing, hilarious companion to a beloved new classic…