Title: Bitter Greens Author: Kate Forsyth Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Farytale retelling Publisher: Allison & Busby Publication date: February 2013 Hardcover: 491 pages An utterly captivating reinvention of the Rapunzel fairytale weaved together with the scandalous life of one of…
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Title: Strands of Bronze and Gold Author: Jane Nickerson Genre: Historical (with minor supernatural elements), Fairytale retelling, Young Adult Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers Publication Date: March 12 2013 Hardcover/Paperback: 352 Pages Seventeen-year-old Sophia Petheram has been sheltered…
Title: Wisdomβs Kiss Author: Catherine Gilbert Murdock Genre: Fantasy, Epistolary, Young Adult Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children Publication date: September 12th 2011 Hardcover/Paperback: 314 pages Princess Wisdom, known as Dizzy, longs for a life of adventure far beyond…