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BBAW: Day 1

Today is the official start of Book Blogger Appreciation Week… …in which over 1000 blogs get together to celebrate books and blogging (The Book Smugglers’ most favorite things in the whole wide world). As you probably know by now,…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers Stash and News

Hello there! Are we ready for another stash? Here we go! Oh, oopsie. How did this happen? (And how could we forget Dean in our Bad Boy Weekend Poll yesterday??? Jaysus. Bad Smugglers, Bad Smugglers ). Ok, ok, let’s…

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BBAW – Fantasy Draft Style

Inspired by Kmont’s wonderful post, we Book Smugglers decided to have our very own book blogger appreciation post, in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week. To keep things fun, we decided to do this Fantasy Draft style. Five picks…

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