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Smuggler Specialties

Giveaways Halloween Week

The Great Big Halloween Week Giveaway

Holy crap, it’s officially HALLOWEEN! The most magical time of year! And you know what that means, dear book lovers? As is Book Smuggler tradition, it is time for a Great Big Halloween Week Giveaway! We have the following…

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Halloween Week

Halloween Week: The Lists

Greetings, boys and ghouls! It is almost Halloween, and I have been a very bad Crypt Keeper indeed. I realize that this year, I have yet to post a SINGLE list of horror goodness! But fear not, darlings, for…

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Halloween Week

The Great Halloween Movie Marathon of 2013

Hello! Happy Saturday. Join us today for our annual Halloween Movie Marathon! Every year, Thea entreats (forces) Ana to watch a few horror movies or television shows in the spirit of the season. This year, we’re doing the movie…

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Halloween Week

Halloween Week 2013: An Introduction

Happy Thursday, boys and ghouls! There are only 7 more days until October 31, which means that it is… HALLOWEEN WEEK! At Book Smugglers Headquarters, the last week of October is reserved for Halloween. Every year, we celebrate all…

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