Title: Perfume (Das Parfum) Author: Patrick Suskind, Translated by John E. Woods Genre: Fiction, Historical, Thriller Publisher: Diogenes-Verlag (Germany) / Alfred A. Knopf (US) Publication Date: 1985 (Germany) / February 2001 (US) Paperback: 272 pages Stand alone or series:…
8 Rated Books
Title: Cape Storm Author: Rachel Caine Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher:Roc (Penguin) Publication Date: August 2009 Paperback: 320 pages Stand alone or series: Book eight (eek!) in an ongoing series. And take it from me, this is a series you’re…
Today the BBAW suggested daily topic is: Reading Meme We encourage you to be creative with this! Please choose one or two questions to answer or try to answer all the questions in five words or less. Or choose…
Title: Forest Born Author: Shannon Hale Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Publication Date: September 15, 2009 Hardcover: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Book four in the Books of Bayern series. Why did I read this book:…
Title: Hunting Ground Author: Patricia Briggs Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Ace (US)/Orbit (UK) Publication Date: August 2009 (US)/October 2009 (UK) Paperback: 304 pages Stand alone or series: The second full length novel in the Alpha & Omega series, following…
Joint Review: Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire
Title: Rosemary and Rue Author: Seanan McGuire Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: DAW Publication Date: September 1, 2009 Paperback: 368 pages Stand Alone or Series: First in the October Daye series Why did we read the book: We first learned…
Joint Review: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Title: Mistborn: The Final Empire Author: Brandon Sanderson Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor (US) / Gollancz (UK) Publication Date: Jan 2007 (US) / October 2009 (UK) Paperback: 672 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Mistborn trilogy. Why…
Today we bring you a new feature, called “What She Said…” in which we both review books that the other has already read and reviewed. The idea arose because of the dilemma that if one of us reads and…
Title: Catching Fire Author: Suzanne Collins Genre: Dystopian, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Scholastic Press Publication Date: September 1, 2009 Hardcover: 400 pages Stand alone or series: Book 2 in the Hunger Games trilogy. Why did I read this…
Guest Review: Mythago Wood and Avilion by Robert Holdstock
Today we have something different: a while back we received a review copy of a Fantasy novel called Avilion by Robert Holdstock – we fell in love with the cover and with the blurb and after doing a bit…