Title: Impulse and Initiative Author: Abigail Reynolds Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: This is a variation of Pride of Prejudice by Jane Austen – I recommend you read that one first. Summary: In Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice,…
6 Rated Books
Title: Flat-Out Sexy Author: Erin McCarthy Genre: Contemporary Romance Stand Alone/ Series: It can be read as a stand-alone but I am thinking this is going to the first in a series given the sheer amount of single-hot-funny secondary…
Halloween Week – Joint Review: The Beast Within
Title: The Beast Within Author: Anthology, edited by Matt Hults Genre: Horror, Short Fiction Stand Alone or Series: Stand alone anthology, a collection of stories dealing with shapeshifters of all kinds Why did we read this book: One of…
Title: Demon Moon Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Stand alone or series: Technically book 4 in the Guardians series, although it is the second full-length novel. It can be read as a stand alone novel (or in my…
Title: Foundation Author: Mercedes Lackey Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or Series: First book in the Collegium Chronicles; can be read as a stand alone, however it is part of Mercedes Lackey’s significantly larger Valdemar universe books. Why did I…
Another Powerpuff Girls Review! Both Katie (Blossum) and Ana (Bubbles) got review copies so what better way to go about it than to have another one of our joint efforts? By now, you must know the drill, Bubbles writes…
Lisa Kleypas Week – Joint Review: A Wallflower Christmas
Title: A Wallflower Christmas Author: Lisa Kleypas Genre: Historical Romance Stand Alone/ Series: In the world of the Wallflower’s series but can be read as a stand alone Summary: Wealthy entrepreneur Rafe Bowman has come to London to marry…
Title: The Key Author: Pauline Baird Jones Genre: Science Fiction Romance Stand Alone or Series: Stand alone novel, although with potential for a sequel. Why did we read this book: Pauline dropped us an email and graciously provided review…
Title: Driven Author: Eve Kenin Genre: Futuristic Romance β Dorchesterβs Shomi Line. Stand Alone/ Series: It can be read as a stand-alone but the book has a sequel that is set in the same world. Summary: Raina Bowen knows…
Sookie Special: Joint Review of Dead as a Doornail
Title: Dead as a Doornail Author: Charlaine Harris Genre: Paranormal mystery, Urban Fantasy Stand Alone / series: Book 5 of Southern Vampires Mysteries, or Sookie Stackhouse books. Summary: (from barnes&noble.com)When Sookie’s brother Jason’s eyes start to change, she knows…