Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday! On this edition of the Smugglers’ Stash…

Giveaway Winners:

The winner of a signed copy of Updraft by Fran Wilde is…


Evelyn Sadeli

The winner of a copy of The Tiara on the Terrace by Kristen Kittscher is…

The Tiara on the Terrace

Laura Hartman

Congratulations to the winners! You know the drill–send us an email (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail mail address, and we’ll send you your winnings as soon as possible.

This Week on The Book Smugglers:

We kick off the week with Ana’s review of the first book on her Time Travel Project, Passenger by Alexandra Bracken.


Tuesday, we are delighted to host Charlie Jane Anders for an Inspirations and Influences post about her debut novel, All the birds in the Sky–plus a giveaway.

All the Birds in the Sky

On Wednesday, we will announce the dates for our Harry Potter re-read project as part of Old School Wednesday. Plus, Ana reviews In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker.

In The Garden of Iden

On Thursday, we unveil our newest columnist, Carlie St. George, as she launches her series of essays on tropes in popular culture and speculative fiction. (The first column? It’s about Mary Sues.)

Rey (Star Wars)

Then, on Friday Thea gets ready for the film adaptation of The Fifth Wave (one of Thea’s favorite books of 2013) by reflecting on the book by Rick Yancey. Plus, she’s over at Kirkus with a review of The Fall of The House of West by Paul Pope, JT Petty, and David Rubin.

The Fifth Wave

On Saturday, we close out the week with AN X-FILES BONANZA! You might know that both Ana and Thea are huge fans of the television show–we’ve hosted many posts and events about The X-Files–so we’ll be counting down and rewatching our favorite episodes just in time for the new miniseries launch on Sunday.

The X-Files

PHEW! It’s a busy week–so hold on to your butts. Until tomorrow, we remain…

The Skeptic and the Believer by Nan Lawson (The X-Files)

The Skeptic and the Believer by Nan Lawson

~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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  • Octavia
    January 17, 2016 at 6:54 pm

    I cannot WAIT for The X-Files. Have been rewatching all the series over the last few months to prepare myself. Scully, how I’ve missed you!

  • Ju Transcendancing
    January 17, 2016 at 11:13 pm

    Congratulations to the winners!

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