Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Happy Sunday, everyone! Have we all recovered from The Deathly Hallows 2? *sniffles*

Giveaway Winners:

The lucky winners of a copy of Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson are…

Claire M

The lucky winner of a copy of The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma is…

Congratulations! You know the drill – send us an email (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail mail address and we will get your winnings out to you as soon as possible.

A (Smugglerific) Book Review App:

Developer MetaPlume has just launched a brand spankin’ new Book Review app for Android powered devices…and yours truly will be included in the app’s feed content! Here’s the lowdown on the app itself:

The Best Book Reviews brings you a rich selection of quality book news, blogs, reviews, podcasts and best seller lists from around the web. The app has been developed with automatically updating feeds from the top sites for book news and reviews, but it can also be customized to your own tastes.

You can get the app in the Android Marketplace and read more about it here.
This Week on The Book Smugglers:

On Monday, Ana reviews Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriot, a Japanese fantasy retelling of Cinderella.

Tuesday is Thea’s official Orbit ZOMBIE DAY! In which she will review Deadline by Mira Grant and Flip This Zombie by Jesse Petersen.

On Wednesday, Ana is back with a review of The End of Everything by Megan Abbott

Followed by Thea’s review of The Cellar by A.J. Whitten – a YA novel of suspense, horror and zombies with a Romeo and Juliet style slant – on Thursday.

Friday, we close out the week with a joint review of the long-awaited Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves.

Until Monday, we humbly remain…

~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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  • Ceilidh
    July 17, 2011 at 10:14 am

    BADASS NEVILLE! Killing Basilisks LIKE A BOSS!

    Yeah, I’m still on a Potter high from seeing the midnight premiere.

  • Tina
    July 17, 2011 at 10:23 am

    Oooh zombie day! I look forward to your review of Deadline! 🙂

  • Jodie
    July 17, 2011 at 11:07 am

    Slice of Cherry omg I want to know what you both think so much! My review is written, but pending, but there’s a bit in the book where I was like ‘hmm, not sure I like that (revolving around Fancy and Ian)’ but then was like ‘hmm isn’t it weird to expand on this dislike when I was TOTALLY FINE with all the serial killing bits?’ A lot of the reviews I’ve seen so far are kind of leery about the so much serial killing, but…did not even think about it – eeep book morality warps again.

    Also SO exciting about the ap.

  • Allison
    July 17, 2011 at 11:28 am

    Neville, you are incredible. Marry me and I’ll build you a greenhouse.

  • Rhiannon Hart
    July 17, 2011 at 5:50 pm

    First of all, love the new layout!

    Second, The Cellar looks amazing. Zom nom nom.

  • Lauren
    July 18, 2011 at 1:57 am

    I can’t wait to read Thea’s review of Deadline! I recently read it and had really mixed feelings about a slightly big character reveal, as well as the “twist” ending that really didn’t feel all that twisty. It was entertaining but then . . . meh.

    Also looking forward to the Slice of Cherry review. I read Bleeding Violet and loooved it, but after reading a sneak preview of SoC wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. Perhaps this review will sway me.

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