Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone! Happy SELECTION SUNDAY! If you can all tear yourself away from your brackets for just one second, we have a few announcements.

Giveaway Winners:

The two winners of Numbers: The Chaos are:

Bethie (comment #36)
Audra Holtwick (comment #68)

Congratulations! You know the drill. Send an email to us (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail mail address, and we will get your winnings out to you as soon as possible. Thanks to everyone that entered!

We still have two giveaways currently running, for M.J. Putney’s Dark Mirror and Rachel Neumeier’s The City in the Lake. Make sure to enter if you haven’t yet!

This Week on The Book Smugglers:

On Monday, we have our first Smugglers’ Ponderings post of the year – in which we examine the hype phenomenon, its disappointments, and make recommendations for serially underrepresented books that you really must read (especially if you have been reading some of the highly hyped novels of 2011 and feel ripped off).

Tuesday, Ana reviews graphic novel Nemesis by Mark Millar & illustrated by Steve McNiven (spoiler alert: Ana is NOT a happy camper, folks).

On Wednesday, Thea reviews The Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede…

And on Thursday, Thea reviews The Desert of Souls by Howard Andrew Jones.

Friday, Ana closes out the week with a review of Broken by Susan Jane Bigelow.

And that’s it from us today. Let the Madness BEGIN!

~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Book Smugglers

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  • Lenore
    March 13, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s post! Though, by and large, I’ve liked the hyped books I’ve read.

  • Kristen
    March 13, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s post on hype, too, and especially your recommendations for under-represented books. I just love finding great books that I’ve never heard of before.

  • Lauren
    March 13, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    I’m excited about tomorrow’s post as well. There have been a lot of hyped up duds, but there were some that I really liked as well.

  • Maya S
    March 13, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    Ooooh, The Thirteenth Child! I’m interested to see what you guys think…not her best but still a pretty excellent book!

  • Nikki Egerton
    March 14, 2011 at 5:35 am

    I want to read Broken!
    That is all.

  • Michelle
    March 14, 2011 at 10:35 am

    Oh no, not Mark Millar. D:
    I love graphic novels, but I loathe Mark Miller. I’ve read two of his works (Wanted and Kick-Ass) and they were both *horrible* (though I like the Kick-Ass movie for some reason..)

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