Title: The Fecund’s Melancholy Daughter Author: Brent Hayward Genre: New Weird, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy Publisher: ChiZine Publications Publication date: May 15th 2011 Paperback: 250 pages The city is crumbling… Clouds over Nowy Solum have not parted in a hundred…
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New Weird
Title: City of Ruin Author: Mark Charan Newton Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor UK Publication Date: 4 Jun 2010 Hardcover: 400 pages Villiren: a city of sin that is being torn apart from the inside. Hybrid creatures shamble through shadows…
Title: Kraken Author: China Mieville Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Del Rey (US) / Macmillan (UK) Publication Date: June 2010 Hardcover: 528 pages With this outrageous new novel, China MiΓ©ville has written one of the strangest, funniest, and flat-out scariest…