Title: Heart’s Blood Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Roc (US) / Tor (UK) Publication Date: November 2009 (US) / October 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 416 pages (US) / 560 pages (UK) How did I get this book: Review Copy…
Juliet Marillier
Happy Sunday, all! Hope it’s a good one. Time to get down to business… Giveaway Winners: First we have TWO lucky winners of our giveaway of Patricia A. McKillip’s The Bell at Sealey Head. The two winners are: Leslee…
Title: Cybele’s Secret Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Knopf Books Publication Date: September 2008 Hardcover: 448 Pages Stand alone or series: Can be read as a stand alone novel, but is the companion book/sequel to Wildwood…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength part 2 – Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
Title: Daughter of the Forest Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Stand Alone/ Series: Book 1 of 4 books set in the Sevenwaters world. It can be read as a stand- alone – the next books deal with the descendents…
Title: Heir to Sevenwaters Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or series: Book 4 in the Sevenwaters series, but can be read as a stand alone novel. Why did I read this book: I nearly died of a…
Another weekend comes to a close, but worry not! We have another busy week ahead. First, some housekeeping… Thanks to Julia Quinn for stopping by for the lovely chat! And we have our winners–drumroll please– Barbara and Kara You…