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Book to Movie

Weekend at the Movies II: Prince Caspian

Actually I saw this one last weekend, but shh. Who’s counting? Title: Prince Caspian Book by C.S. Lewis Movie directed by Andrew Adamson; Starring Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, William Mosely, Anna Popplewell and Peter Dinklage I’ll be…

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4 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Dagger-Star

Title: Dagger-Star Author: Elizabeth Vaughan Genre: Paranormal Romance, according to the publisher…I’d say, Romantic Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone, but set in the same world as the Warlands trilogy Summary: (From captivating readers with her Chronicles…

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Chat With an Author

Chat With an Author: C. L. Wilson

About three months ago, following KatieBabs recommendation, I picked up Lord of the Fading Lands and Lady of Light and Shadows by CL Wilson and found myself falling in love with her books. These are the first two books…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Heroes Adrift

Title: Heroes Adrift Author: Moira J. Moore Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or series: Third book in the Hero series Summary: (from Empress wants to locate the descendants of her exiled sister. No magically-bonded Pair is more ill-suited for…

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8 Rated Books Book Reviews Western Week

Book Review: The Gunslinger

Title: The Gunslinger Author: Stephen King Review Number : 31 Genre: fantasy/Horror Stand alone/ series: book 1 of Dark Tower series Summary: In the Gunslinger, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead,…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews The Dare

The Dare: Kushiel’s Dart

Title: Kushiel’s Dart Author: Jacqueline Carey Review number: 27 Genre: Fantasy Stand alone/series: first in a series of books – so far there are six. Summary: Amazon.UK says A massive fantasy tale about the violent death of an old…

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9 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book review: Peter Pan in Scarlet

Title: Peter Pan in Scarlet Author: Geraldine McCaughrean Review number: 25 Genre: Fantasy Stand alone/ series: sequel to Peter Pan, by JM Barrie Summary: Neverland is calling again…Something is wrong in Neverland. Dreams are leaking out-strangely real dreams, of…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: King’s Property

Title: Queen of the Orcs: King’s Property Author: Morgan Howell Review Number: 19 Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or series: First book in the Queen of the Orcs trilogy Summary: (From into hardship, Dar learns to rely on herself…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book review: Beauty

Title: Beauty: a retelling of the story of Beauty and the Beast Author: Robin McKinley Review number: 24 Genre: Fantasy, fairy tale Stand alone/series: stand alone Summary: When the family business collapses, Beauty and her two sisters are forced…

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