Title: The Incredible Crime Author: Lois Austen-Leigh Genre: Crime Publisher: British Library Crime Classics Publication date: This edition: May 2017. Originally published 1931 Hardcover: 288 pages Prince’s College, Cambridge, is a peaceful and scholarly community, enlivened by Prudence Pinsent,…
The Indigo Mantis by E. Catherine Tobler Published 05/24/2016 | 5,726 Words A crime-fighting praying mantis avenges her father’s murder in E. Catherine Tobler’s The Indigo Mantis Since witnessing her father’s murder, revenge has been on Indi’s mind. A…
A Smugglerific Cover: The Indigo Mantis by E. Catherine Tobler
In which we reveal the cover for The Indigo Mantis by E. Catherine Tobler! Today we are thrilled to share with you the very first cover of Book Smugglers Publishing’s Superhero season of short stories. Without further ado, BEHOLD!…
This novel offers an incredible portrayal of this world and its precarious balance between feminism and misogyny, offering a skilful take on female empowerment and agency with a great pair of main female characters. Title: Razorhurst Author: Justine Larbalestier…
Jack Glass by Adam Roberts (Gollancz, July 2012, 373 pages) Jack Glass is an impossible book. +++ I’ve had this on my radar ever since it came out but it wasn’t until it won the British Science Fiction Award…
Title: Gone Girl Author: Gillian Flynn Genre: Thriller Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson/ Crown Publication date: January 2012 Hardcover: 419 pages Marriage can be a real killer. One of the most critically acclaimed suspense writers of our time, New York…
Smugglivus 2012 Joint Review (& Giveaway): Ana and Karen Mahoney read Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers
Welcome to Smugglivus 2012! Throughout this month, we will have daily guests – authors and bloggers alike – looking back at their favorite reads of 2012, and looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2013. Who: Karen Mahoney,…
It’s another Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea reviews crime thriller-science fiction novel The Man from Primrose Lane by James Renner… SPOILER ALERT: This is one good book (Ana read it too and agrees). There…
Title: The End of Everything Author: Megan Abbott Genre: Crime/Literary Thriller Publisher:Reagan Arthur Books (US) / Picador (UK) Publication date: July 7 2011 (US) / August 19 2011 (UK) Hardcover/Paperback: 304 pages Thirteen-year old Lizzie Hood and her next…
Title: I Don’t Want to Kill You Author: Dan Wells Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction, Thriller/Crime Publisher: Tor (US)/Headline (UK) Publication Date: March 2011 (US)/June 2011 (UK) Paperback: 320 Pages Dan Wells introduced us to John Wayne Cleaver in the…