Title: Leia: Princess of Alderaan Author: Claudia Gray Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Disney Lucasfilm Press Publication date: September 2017 Hardcover: 409 Pages Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa faces the most challenging task of her life so far:…
Claudia Gray
It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus for our regular weekly column! It’s Thea’s turn this Friday, with a review of one of the most highly anticipated tie-in novels of the year: Bloodline by Claudia Gray. This…
Hello everyone and welcome to the second week of our stint on the official Dark Days Blog Tour, a celebration of the upcoming fall lineup of paranormal and supernatural YA titles from Pitch Dark Books at Harper Teen! We…
Hello everyone and welcome to the official Dark Days Blog Tour, a celebration of the upcoming fall lineup of paranormal and supernatural YA titles from Pitch Dark Books at Harper Teen! We have the great honor of hosting Dark…
Book Review: Hourglass by Claudia Gray (& Giveaway of Evernight)
Title: Hourglass Author: Claudia Gray Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult Publisher: HarperTeen Publication Date: March 2010 Hardcover: 352 pages Bianca will risk everything to be with Lucas. After escaping from Evernight Academy, the vampire boarding school where they…
Happy Sunday everyone! If you could kindly tear yourselves away from THE MADNESS, we’d like to make a few announcements. (Don’t worry, we’ll be quick. We need to know what happens next in this insanely, awesomely messed up bracket-smashing…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a new feature for books that have caught our eye: books we heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. This is how the Smugglers’…
Supernatural Summer: Chat and Giveaway with Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray is the author of the popular teen vampire Evernight series, so far comprised of two books (Evernight and Stargazer). I had the immense pleasure of reading her work for our Young Adult Appreciation Month, and I loved…
Book Review Double Feature: Evernight & Stargazer by Claudia Gray
Title: Evernight and Stargazer Author: Claudia Gray Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy Publisher: Harper TEEN Publication Dates: Evernight – May 2008, Stargazer – March 2009 Hardcover: Evernight – 336 pages, Stargazer – 336 pages Stand alone or series: Books…
Howdy folks! Young Adult Appreciation Month is officially on (check here for our review of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince movie)! Here’s what you can expect this coming week: Harper Teen has a fabulous Supernatural Summer promotion, for…